Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa: Providing Cutting-Edge, Non-Invasive Concierge Care

Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa offers a variety of anti-aging treatments, including growth factor therapy, autologous ortho biologics, nutritional supplements, and non-surgical options for sexual optimization, hair loss, skin tightening, scar revision, wrinkle reduction, acne, and hyperpigmentation.

Some of its integrative therapies include laser, microneedling with exosomes, enzyme/peptide advanced skin revision, medical-grade skincare, injectables/toxins, and Ultherapy. These treatments can help improve skin health, tone, and texture by promoting the body's natural ability to repair and rebuild.

One of the biggest contributors to the company’s success is its team of experienced professionals. It is led by Dr. Michael Poss, MD, OWNER double boardcertified in Anesthesiology and Interventional Pain Management with over 25 years of experience in treating painful orthopedic conditions.

In addition to its anti-aging solutions, Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa specializes in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). It helps improve symptoms of menopause and andropause, like hot flashes, night sweats, loss of libido, and vaginal dryness. The therapy is also beneficial to improve mood, energy levels, bone loss, metabolic rate, muscle mass, sleep quality, and brain fog.

Patient Satisfaction: The Top Priority Before opening Virginia Regenerative Medicine, Dr. Poss’s wife, Jeanne, suffered from a rotator cuff tear. Oral medications, physical therapy, and steroid injections were not helping. But she was not willing to undergo any surgery. Dr. Poss used a combination of ortho biologics and EPAT treatments to help his wife. Shortly after, their son suffered from lacrosse-related injuries in college. Dr. Poss successfully treated him. This served to be an inspiration for him to treat other family members for injuries that typically would have required surgical intervention for recovery and to establish a practice that can offer people an alternative path to healing.

In 2018, Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa was established and soon became a thriving practice. Dr. Poss was able to help many people recover from their injuries without surgery. He also helped people improve their overall health and well-being. Today, Dr. Poss is passionate about helping his patients achieve their health and wellness goals working alongside his wife, Jeanne, and his daughter, Emily.

Jeanne's training is replete with multiple honors and awards for excellence in her field. She is currently furthering her education in health sciences and registered nursing. She has been a practicing yogi for years and loves to share her knowledge with others. Her goal is to make you look as beautiful on the outside as you feel on the inside.

Emily, on the other hand, is a licensed master aesthetician specializing in skin revision. Her desire to continually educate herself further has yielded an expert level of knowledge in skincare ingredients and skin function. She holds dozens of advanced aesthetic education certificates in skin, skincare, treatment safety, modalities, and ingredient knowledge. She has invested thousands of hours in continuing education, hands-on training, and certifications.

Embracing Personalized Medicine - We believe in stimulating the body's own healing mechanisms, utilizing a variety of advanced treatments to accelerate repair of damaged tissue

Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa offers a range of minimally invasive procedures. Utilizing autologous ortho biologics, growth factors, and EPAT, these treatments enhance patients' quality of life. It tailors treatments to individual patients, taking into account their unique needs, goals, and underlying health conditions. Patient education is a crucial aspect of Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa’s approach. The company empowers patients with knowledge about their condition, treatment options, and the associated risks and benefits.

“We believe in stimulating the body's own healing mechanisms, utilizing a variety of advanced treatments to accelerate repair of damaged tissue,” says Dr. Poss. Patient satisfaction is a top priority at Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa, and it has earned the highest level of patient trust and loyalty.

Global patients seek its expertise, impressed by the personalized care and attention they receive. Due to its commitment to patientcentered care, Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa limits the number of patients seen daily, allowing ample time for listening to individual needs and goals. This personalized approach ensures the development of tailored treatment plans for each patient's needs.

Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa embraces contemporary trends in the field of regenerative medicine. By staying at the forefront of the industry, it continuously evaluates new therapies and technologies to integrate into its services.

“Virginia Regenerative Medicine & Spa is an exemplary element in the regenerative medicine market because of our focus on personalized care and our commitment to evaluating the latest technology,” says Dr. Poss. “We are committed to providing our patients with the best possible care. We believe everyone deserves to live a healthy and vibrant life, and we are here to help them achieve their goals.”